my new favorite sandwich

i had a pastrami and swiss on rye pannini (the “pacific”) at safeway today that was probably one of the top 5 best sandwiches i have ever tasted. why is this called a pacific? it’s more chicago or boston than anything else.

i have only a picture of a partially-eaten sandwich because i was too busy enjoying it to bother taking a picture of it.

so if you need a favor from me, bring one (or two) of these along and we’ll talk.

paris hilton cd artwork

uk-based graffiti artists bansky took a thousand of paris hilton’s new cd’s and re-did the album liner inside to something more appropriate. he then brought the cd’s back and put them on the shelf for people to buy.

visit hollywood rag for some pictures of one of the doctored cd liners. I’ve put my favorite one below – where he put a dog’s face on paris.

the art of napping

The art of covert napping

The Washington Post notes that there’s been no shortage of media reports over the last few years about sensitive employers giving workers permission to nap. Some even provide “relaxation rooms.”

But with companies demanding more from smaller staffs in recent months, employees aren’t so interested in that perk anymore, fearful that they’ll do most of their dozing in the unemployment line.

So on-the-job napping, while not going away, is being done on the downlow, according to the Post.

William Anthony, author of “The Art of Napping at Work” and operator of, tells the newspaper that one of the most popular tactics is to escape to the parking garage to catnap in the car.

“Another odd place people say they nap is in the restroom, sitting on the toilet, resting their head against the side or back wall,” Anthony says. “It’s private; they can lock the door. The more industrious nappers construct pillows with extra toilet paper rolls for maximum comfort.”

Even cubicle dwellers can catch a few Zs if they’re resourceful, says Anthony.

“The cubicle is a most nap-unfriendly environment, but some manage by spreading papers out on their desks, clutching a pencil in their fingers and pretending they are absorbed in reading. Others assume the ‘thinking position,’ with their head in their hands and their back to the door.

“But the best one I’ve heard lately came from a guy who holds a bottle of eyedrops in one hand, tilts back in his chair and closes his eyes. That’s truly artful napping.”

added “now playing” item

so i rigged up my itunes to send a blurb about what’s currently playing through my speakers whether i am at home or at work. it also includes a bit of album art. now you can see where i get my inspiration from. check it out to the right. when i’m not online or listening to music, it will provide a message along those lines.

mercury lynx for all

[the lynx was the mercury version of the ford escort…i realize that is pretty lame]

do you love your kids? prove it by beating them [bestpageintheuniverse]

those japanese have a wacky sense of humor [tv in japan]

oh…and punky brewster turned 30 today. i didn’t realize she was right behind me in age – i was consumed with alyssa milano at the time anyway.

back online (again!)

so, i think it’s time to begin posting again. after getting out of the hospital, i think i’ve had to catch up for the last 6 months. things are calming down a little now that softball season is over and we’re clearing out the to-do list a little. by the time i got back to the blog, i realized that a few posts are missing, but i only have one reader anyway, so whatever.

i’m at work today till midnight covering a shift for one of our australian guys. i had a couple beers today at the art and wine festival so even a small nap might be in order.

#24 reason the us govt is lame

Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) said some interesting things about the Internet during the recent hearings on net neutrality:

“I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o’clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday. Why?”

“Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the internet commercially…”

“They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It’s not a truck.”

“It’s a series of tubes.”

“And if you don’t understand those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and its going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material.”

Here’s the full story

working saturday linkparty

i’m catching up on old stuff since i got to work this morning and my laptop wouldn’t boot up because of hard drive failure. i do regular backups, which is nice, but i have to wait till monday for IT to bring it back to life. in the meantime, it makes for a good excuse to catch up on my old crap clogging my inbox.

george w mashup of u2’s “sunday bloody sunday” []

amazing etch-a-sketch work done of celebs []

turn your macbook into a seismograph []

more to come…